

For Affordable and Hands-On Cosmetic Medical Training in Sydney, the ACMAS - Academy of Cosmetic Medicine and Science is Available to You.

Improving yourself as a doctor, nurse is such a challenge when you work a busy schedule. Running your own practice or being part of a partnership involves many different tasks each day, and of course, it also requires juggling paperwork, finances, and all of your other responsibilities. How can you find the time to improve yourself or specialise in one area with all of that other activity going on? At the Academy of Cosmetic Medicine and Science, we understand how difficult it is to further your medical education with such a busy schedule. That is why we offer online cosmetic medical training to Australia in addition to hands-on components which can be tailored to fit your life and schedule.

Why choose cosmetic medical training?

You will be able to become skilled in safe, efficient, and simple procedures with proven track records of results. From botulinum toxin’s safe uses as a method of reducing fine lines to dermal fillers and other cosmetic procedures, you will be able to offer services that will allow your patients to feel better about their appearance. Happy patients in your practice and an increase in income from providing these services are just two benefits you will be able to see.

Convenient and hands-on cosmetic medical training

ACMAS offers doctors and nurses the opportunity to earn a Certificate of Completion in Cosmetic Medicine which will equip them with all the necessary skills to introduce a range of cosmetic services into their practice. You receive the Certificate of Completion after successfully completing all of the theory and the 3 day practical workshop. In this course, you will learn about topics such as Botulinum Toxin upper & lower face, Dermal Fillers, Lip & Cheek augmentation and Skin Boosters. Theory components of our cosmetic medical training are offered entirely online for your convenience. Hands-on one on one learning experiences are required but flexibly scheduled. Practical sessions are over three days.